Our investments today
define the world of

We invest in intentional and ambitious founders who are building climate impact technologies that have the potential to reduce 100Mt CO2e at scale.


  • 2309-Entrix-Executives-scaled
  • Monta founders (1)
  • 64062590af5469f3c9868b8c_Webflow Funding Annnoucement Blog Cover (1)
  • Heirloom founders
  • 2022_Agreena_May_Ref240 copy (1) (1)
  • OCELL Team
  • Charm founders
  • Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 16.13.34
  • Founder_alcemy (1)
  • AtmosZero_Founders
  • 1719984306221
  • Minimum Founder photos
  • Tesvolt founders 1 (1) (1)
  • Metris Energy
  • 2024 – Ember – Keith and Pierce 2
  • Voltfang founder photos (1)
  • UNDO-Founder-Jim-Mann-Day2-HS-40-scaled
  • Pivotal_Founders (1)
  • Simon 1 – square
  • Team-Purple
  • zolar_Gründer_Alex Melzer (2)
  • Labster founders (1) (1)
  • Microverse founder
  • Refueling a car at a gas Station
  • Edurino founders
  • ZeroAbia founder photo edited
  • AIRLY_Founders_Team_MichałMisiek_AleksanderKonior_WiktorWarchałowski
  • image (14)
  • Plantix founders together (1)
  • Responsibly founders together
  • Inyova founders
  • Carbon Equity Founders
  • Cleanhub founders together (1)
  • Dance founders
  • Tomorrow Bank founders
Ampact Blue Hero Image

Solving the
climate crisis

Ampact Pink Hero Image

social equality

  • Tech

    We look for companies that have proprietary technology with a high degree of defensibility at the core of its DNA. We invest across software and hardware.

  • Impact

    The climate or social impact must be intentional, measurable, net positive, interlocked and capable of reaching a meaningful scope relative to the problem being addressed.

    More detail here.


  • Investment

    We invest with a focus on early stage in Europe, mostly leading and co-leading in Seed and Series A rounds. Initial checks range from €500k up to €5M with follow-on up to €10M.

  • Value-add

    We have an active approach towards portfolio value-creation in four key areas, supported by our proprietary AENU resource hub:

    • Entrepreneurial experience
    • Impact know-how
    • B2B market access
    • Capital formation

Walking the talk

  • Investment stage

    Our portfolio companies by current stage of maturity.

  • Impact category

    A breakdown of impact-category addressed by companies.

  • Gender Diversity

    Composition of the founders and senior management teams of our companies.

  • Geography

    By location of our company’s headquarters.

  • EU taxonomy

    Portfolio break-down according to EU-Taxonomy categories.

  • Founder’s Pledge and LFCA

    Memberships of our companies at Founder’s Pledge and LFCA (Leaders for Climate Action).

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